Cisco 9800 Wireless 2024 – Phase 4 – DNS & TACACS+ Device Admin

Add DNS entries for the Cisco 9800 Controllers

Add the Cisco 9800 Controllers to Cisco ISE

Configure the ISE TACACS+ Command Sets

Jr Engineer – Limited Access

Sr Engineers – Full Admin Acccess

Configure the ISE TACACS+ Profiles

Configure the ISE TACACS+ Policy Set

Cisco 9800 TACACS+ Configuration

1. Enable AAA new model

aaa new-model

2. Define the AAA TACACS+ Server

tacacs server AAA_TACACS_ISE
 address ipv4
 key Cisco123
 timeout 5
3. Define the AAA TACACS+ Server Group

aaa group server tacacs+ AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
 server name AAA_TACACS_ISE
4. Define the AAA TACACS+ Authentication Login Lists for VTY, HTTP, and Console Access

aaa authentication login TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local
aaa authentication login TACACS_HTTP_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local
aaa authentication login NO_CONSOLE_AAA none

5. Define the AAA TACACS+ Authorization Exec & Commands

aaa authorization exec TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated

6. Define the AAA TACACS+ Accounting Exec & Commands

aaa accounting exec TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting network TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP

7. Configure the HTTP Login 

ip http authentication aaa login-authentication TACACS_HTTP_LIST
ip http authentication aaa exec-authorization TACACS_VTY_LIST
ip http authentication aaa command-authorization 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
ip http authentication aaa command-authorization 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
ip http authentication aaa command-authorization 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST

8. Configure the source TACACS+ Interface

ip tacacs source-interface Vlan7

9. Configure the VTY & Console Lines Login

line vty 0 4
 password Cisco123
 authorization commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization exec TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 login authentication TACACS_VTY_LIST
 transport input ssh

line vty 5 20
 password Cisco123
 authorization commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization exec TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 login authentication TACACS_VTY_LIST
 transport input ssh

line con 0
 logging synchronous
 login authentication NO_CONSOLE_AAA


Test the TACACS+ Configuration

Jr Engineer Login

Sr Enineer Login

Verify that TACACS+ does NOT affect the console port

The TACACS+ configuration is good and it will be applied to all Cisco 9800 WLCs.

1. Enable AAA new model

aaa new-model

2. Define the AAA TACACS+ Server

tacacs server AAA_TACACS_ISE
 address ipv4
 key Cisco123
 timeout 5
3. Define the AAA TACACS+ Server Group

aaa group server tacacs+ AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
 server name AAA_TACACS_ISE
4. Define the AAA TACACS+ Authentication Login Lists for VTY, HTTP, and Console Access

aaa authentication login TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local
aaa authentication login TACACS_HTTP_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local
aaa authentication login NO_CONSOLE_AAA none

5. Define the AAA TACACS+ Authorization Exec & Commands

aaa authorization exec TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP local if-authenticated

6. Define the AAA TACACS+ Accounting Exec & Commands

aaa accounting exec TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP
aaa accounting network TACACS_VTY_LIST start-stop group AAA_TACACS_ISE_SRVGRP

7. Configure the HTTP Login 

ip http authentication aaa login-authentication TACACS_HTTP_LIST
ip http authentication aaa exec-authorization TACACS_VTY_LIST
ip http authentication aaa command-authorization 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
ip http authentication aaa command-authorization 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
ip http authentication aaa command-authorization 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST

8. Configure the source TACACS+ Interface

ip tacacs source-interface Vlan7

9. Configure the VTY & Console Lines Login

line vty 0 4
 password Cisco123
 authorization commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization exec TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 login authentication TACACS_VTY_LIST
 transport input ssh

line vty 5 20
 password Cisco123
 authorization commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 authorization exec TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 0 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 1 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 accounting commands 15 TACACS_VTY_LIST
 login authentication TACACS_VTY_LIST
 transport input ssh

line con 0
 logging synchronous
 login authentication NO_CONSOLE_AAA


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