While writing the mesh blog, I connected to the MESH_CLIENTS SSID and tried to managed the controller via SSH/https but wouldn’t work because of… Management over Wireless
In my opinion it’s a good security practice to deny wireless users management access to the controllers.
When i try to attempt an https connection to the controller it fails. I am on the WLAN via the mesh network – the access points and controllers are two floors down:
https into controller:
SSH into controller provides a prompt but as soon as the username is entered the prompt disappears:
As the controller is connected to a remote terminal console I can make the changes remotely. Note: the controller can also be managed via the dynamic interfaces. Again, i wouldn’t recommend it. By default both management via wireless interface and dynamic interface is disable.
Trying to access the controller via the wireless user VLAN 12 – should fail as well:
To allow management via wireless perform the following.
I am still a wireless client on the network but now i should have access via SSH and https:
To allow management via dynamic interface(s) perform the following:
I now have access to the controller via a dynamic inteface