Client connecting to 9800 Cloud controller with local switching. Issue, client cannot obtain an IP address.
Client associated to the access point and authenticated but cannot obtain an IP address
Controller log
Dec 28 00:22:03.988: %SESSION_MGR-5-FAIL: Chassis 2 R0/0: wncd: Authorization failed or unapplied for client (0020.a6fc.b9b7) on Interface capwap_90000003 AuditSessionID 2800000A000003D249E1A86C. Failure Reason: VLAN Failure. Failed attribute name Vlan315.
Dec 28 00:22:04.412: %SESSION_MGR-5-FAIL: Chassis 2 R0/0: wncd: Authorization failed or unapplied for client (0020.a6fc.b9b7) on Interface capwap_90000003 AuditSessionID 2800000A000003D349E1AA15. Failure Reason: VLAN Failure. Failed attribute name Vlan315.
Dec 28 00:22:04.822: %SESSION_MGR-5-FAIL: Chassis 2 R0/0: wncd: Authorization failed or unapplied for client (0020.a6fc.b9b7) on Interface capwap_90000003 AuditSessionID 2800000A000003D449E1ABAF. Failure Reason: VLAN Failure. Failed attribute name Vlan315.
Dec 28 00:22:05.237: %SESSION_MGR-5-FAIL: Chassis 2 R0/0: wncd: Authorization failed or unapplied for client (0020.a6fc.b9b7) on Interface capwap_90000003 AuditSessionID 2800000A000003D549E1AD4E. Failure Reason: VLAN Failure. Failed attribute name Vlan315.
Updated policy and flex profile – changed to 315
Once the VLAN was retyped the client connected
iperf server – started
iperf client – started
client on controller