Download the desired version from Aruba’s website. Once the code is downloaded verify the checksum using the Linux md5sum command

Once the checksum has been verified, back up the config on the mobility masters (primary and secondary)

verify that the configuration files were sent to the server and contain data.

verify config/contents in the backup tar file

verify existing code version on the controller and the partition on which it reside:

Copy code from the server via SCP to the controller

once the code has be loaded, the controller must be reloaded

As per Aruba’s 8.5.x doc:
Important Note: If you are upgrading 72xx controller from 8.4.0.x to, you will potentially run in to bug AOS-153899 which may not initialize Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) capability.
This can impact controller’s ability to identify application traffic and could affect firewall rules that rely on application signatures.
In order to mitigate the issue, you will require an additional controller reboot after the device comes up on
Please review release notes for additional information regarding bug AOS-153899 and necessary steps to resolve this issue. Please contact Aruba TAC for additional details
Once the controllers are back online and verified working as expected, you have two options. 1. Leave one partition running 8.4.x and 8.5.x OR 2. upgrade both partitions to 8.5.


Verify that both mobility masters were upgraded. All other managed devices should still be running 8.4.x code.

Upgrading the managed devices via the mobility master can be found here…