- Monitor mode APs can be used to enhance location/WIDS/WIPs services.
- Monitor mode APs can also be used to troubleshoot/analyze the RF spectrum
Optimizing RFID Tracking on Access Points
- To optimize the monitoring and location calculation of RFID tags, you can enable tracking optimization on up to four channels within the 2.4-GHz band of an 802.11b/g access point radio. This feature allows you to scan only the channels on which tags are usually programmed to operate (such as channels 1, 6, and 11).
- Place AP into monitor mode
2. Once the AP reboot obtain the spectrum key that will be used to access the access point via Cisco spectrum expert
The key can also be found on the AP: SSH into the AP. Note:
3. Launch Cisco spectrum expert
Once logged into the AP via the spectrum expert tool the following screen should pop up
short 2.4GHz spectrum video